Diabetes Mellitus is a very common medical condition, which lead to high blood glucose levels. Type 1 diabetes is partly inherited, and then triggered by certain infections. However, even in those who have inherited the susceptibility, type 1 DM seems to require an environmental trigger. Type 2 diabetes is mainly due to lifestyle factors and genetics. Lifestyle factors includes obesity lack of physical activity, poor diet, stress etc…Dietary factors also influence the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If diabetes is not treated properly, in the long run it may damage blood vessels, there is increased risk for cardiovascular disease, it may damage the capillaries and affect the vision and leads to blindness, it affects the kidney, it affects the nervous system and cause numbness, tingling, pain in the foot damage skin, cause foot ulcers etc…
About our Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
Our special medicines for diabetes bring back the blood glucose levels to the normal. In most cases tiredness will disappear in a weak or two. If the patient is having numbness, burning feeling etc…. we will admit them for 3 weeks normally. For this purpose we are using panchakarma therapy plus internal and external medication. Sometimes the blood sugar level may be as high as 300 or 400 and above. In such cases too, gradually it may come to the normal level. The duration varies from patient to patient, and depends on many factors such as how long the patient is suffering from, the medication at the moment, age, how much physical work they are doing, food habits etc… We will bring down the blood glucose level to the normal, and help you to maintain your blood sugar at the normal level. The patient have to continue the medication as per directions. At the moment we can’t say how long you have to continue the medication.
We are using pure Ayurveda/herbal/natural medicines for the treatment of Diabetes. Normally Ayurveda medicines do not have side effects, at the same time giving additional side benefits to you. We have our own special medicines, and prepares medicines according to the conditions and requirements of the patients. Medicines vary with condition of the patient. We have our own Medicine Manufacturing unit, having GMP Certificate. We use quality materials for the manufacture of these quality medicines.
Benefits of our treatment
- Normally patients will feel much better in 2 or 3 weeks They will feel relaxed and their mind become more peaceful.
- This treatment take care of the associated problems that Diabetes patients are facing.
- Within few days your weakness and tiredness disappear, and you feel energetic
- You can have a normal life and able to enjoy the life.
- You will be able to save your precious time and money; otherwise you have to spend for the treatment.
Duration of the treatment
Normally the patient have to undergo the panchakarma treatment for at least three weeks. Patient have to continue the medication for at least one year, duration depends up on how faster you are improving. A full checkup just before starting the treatment and immediately after the treatment will help you to evaluate the treatment, and gives you more satisfaction.